Join us!
Do you want to become a Loft supporter by supporting us with a monthly financial gift? This is possible from 5 euros!
Loft Worship started in 2014 with a few visitors in the hall. We have now moved to De Medialoods where we can meet with 500 people. We are also making new songs and we can’t wait to release them. Of course we do a lot more (check the website!) Which is all super cool.
Loft Supporters
Loft Worship would like to have a greater reach, so that more people get to know God and have an intimate relationship with Him. We want to change the Netherlands so that His Kingdom becomes visible on earth! In order to make the worship evenings and the release of new songs possible, we need finances. We depend on donations. That is why we are looking for Loft Supporters. You can become a Supporter of Loft Worship by giving a monthly donation of at least 5 euros.
You can enter your details on this page. This authorizes us to collect the amount monthly. You are free to choose an amount from 5 euros.
The gift is 100% tax deductible because Loft Worship has an ANBI status.
Supporter benefits
We want to thank our Supporters and let them think along; we do that in many ways.
- When you buy 1 CD, you get a second one for free.
You will have access to a facebook group where you as a Loft Supporter can vote on fun and important decisions of Loft Worship.
You will be periodically informed via a newsletter.
We also have temporary promotions; so keep an eye on the facebook page!